Friends of Montgomery County Animals

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Iraq Kittens!

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Potomac Almanac
November 29, 2014 "Humane Group Seeks Forever Homes"

Potomac Almanac February 26, 2014 - "A Purr-fect Marriage"

Potomac Almanac November 19, 2013 - "Paws for the Cause"

The Story of Tasker
and Acapella

Potomac Almanac, May 28, 2013 - "Animals On and Off Duty Are Partners for Life"

Potomac Almanac, November 20, 2012  - "Economic Woes Keep Humane Group On Its Toes"

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Viridian Energy

Our Mission

Friends of Montgomery County Animals, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt humane organization established in 1974. The main purpose of Friends is to provide financial support for humane animal protection projects, emergencies and organizations. Humane groups traditionally operate on a shoestring. Friends is unique because it fills a void in the humane movement by providing monetary help to humane groups and for humane emergency situations.

Over the years, Friends has provided natural disaster emergency relief for: Mt. St. Helen's Rescue effort to save animals caught in the volcanic eruption; The San Francisco SPCA to help earthquake relief efforts; Dade County Animal Relief and West Palm Beach Dog Fanciers to provide medical and placement service for animal victims of Hurricane Andrew; Jefferson County Animal shelter and St. Charles Humane Society (both in Missouri) to aid flood victims in the Mid-West; and annually to EARS (Emergency Animal Rescue Service, United Animals Nation) to help animals in natural or man-made disaster anywhere and at any time!

Friends does not operate a shelter or have an office. A small cadre of dedicated humane volunteers carries out the fundraising activities. No one is paid.

Friends of Montgomery County Animals, Inc. is interested in all facets of the animal humane movement. We are particularly concerned with the humane education, spaying and neutering to reduce animal over population, cruelty cases, adoption or given up pets, the care of injured wildlife, and human-animal relationship, e.g. The Hearing Dog Program. Our efforts have been concentrated in the Washington Metropolitan area, but we also have supported nationwide projects.

Opportunities to Check Out

Attention Federal Employees in the Washington Metro Area
Friends of Montgomery County Animals (FMCA) is participating in the Combined Federal Campaign National Capital Area (CFCNCA). Please make Friends of Montgomery County Animals your Charity of Choice! CFCNCA #44491 Local Independent Charity. (Online donations 
100% of your donation is used for FMCA Projects!

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